Wednesday, January 25, 2017

yearbook introduction

  1. every yearbook should have a title     
  2. every yearbook should have the school name on the cover somewhere  
  3.  every yearbook should have the picture of the students  
  4.  should have the sports section  
  5.   should have the preforming arts section
  6. signature page   
  7. should have a football page 
  8.  every yearbook should be divided by class  
  9.  should have student social life   
  10.   should have student achievements 
  11.   should have students goals 
  12. should have names of students in alphabetical order    
  13.   should have a fact page about one student in each grade 
  14.  have a transition page  
  15. have a teacher page  
  16.   have school events 
  17. have the band page  
  18. school trips   
  19. school pride page 
  20. The dance and cheer leaders page   
  21. every yearbook should have about more then 100 pages    
  22. Nice and neat/ organized   
  23. have a nice choose in format   
  24. have to have a hard cover     
  25. have to have an index   

1. What is the title of your book?
Its not just black and white 
2. What school is it from?
Jefferson high school 
3. What "thematic elements" do you see in your book? This means what elements are evident from beginning to end of the book
the amount of pictures in each section 
4. How many sections are in your book? This could be tough to figure out, but do your best
5. What is your favorite "spread"? A spread is 2 pages about the same topic
The senior page 
6. Is there an Index in your book?
towards the end of the book 
7. Are there photos of groups of people, like clubs and organizations?
yes lots 
8. Is there a table of contents?
9. How many people go to the school whose book you have?
about more then 2,000 not sure 
10. What state is your book from?
San Antonio TX

prompt shoot #4





the end-

Monday, January 9, 2017

phobia project

A. 1. What is a Phobia?
A phobia is an extreme or irrational fear or aversion to something.
B. List and define 5 phobias from The Phobia List:

  1. Acarophobia- Fear of itching or of the insects that cause itching.
  2. Ablutophobia- Fear of washing or bathing.
  3. Ballistophobia- Fear of missiles or bullets.
  4. Batophobia- Fear of heights or being close to high buildings.
  5. Chirophobia- Fear of hands.
C. Brainstorm on your blog possible ideas for your Phobia photo.

Things to consider:

Figure(s) & Object(s) (which should reveal something of the phobia in the photo)
Format: horizontal vs Vertical
Subject Placement: Rule of Thirds
Point of View
Lighting: create mood/feeling
Clothing: can suggest personal style/career profession
Subject: mannerism, reactions, expressions and body language

Plan three different shoots with three different phobias. What will you shoot, who will model, how will you show the phobia in the photo, where will you shoot these images? Please detail this out in a paragraph for each phobia (remember you will shoot and turn in three photos).

  1. Arachnophobia- Fear of spiders i will try to shoot this the best i can and i would use my sister to help out and  i would set her up with one arm out and her eyes closed like she swenting with tears coming own with the spider on her arm likes its crawling up her arm. I would do this at my house in my living room or in the garage do to lighting.
  2.  Athazagoraphobia- Fear of being forgotten or ignored or forgetting i will also try to shoot this one and i would use my family i would set up like were having a get together and everyones talking on one side of the room in a group and have my sister sitting in a chair looking the other way alone and have her looking pained and i would do this in my house.
  3. Batophobia- Fear of heights or being close to high buildings. i would use my sister or any family member i would go outside and use a tree or a high surface and have them climb the tree and look down as if there scared to get down or look like there scared to jump off a high area and i would be doing this at home.
  4.  Chirophobia- Fear of hands. i would again use my family and i would do like one of my family members try to  touch the other or in a situation of it and them move there bodys to get away from the hand but have tears coming down there face like there crying and kinda have them crouch down like there falling and i would do this at home 
D. What photographic techniques can you use to help highlight your images? Come up with one idea for each of your three photos you will take.

  • I would highlight the spider more to see it better 
  • i would highlight my sister by herself to see the situation more 
  • i would use the outside lighting 

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

welcome back 2017

 This is one of my favorite photos because it gives off a creepy feel and i really like that and how it takes a dark side to it.

 This is another one of my favorites because its something you hear about all the time in the news but to see a picture that shows something more then what you really don't hear about everyday.

This photo is my favorite because it shows quick movement and whats really going on in our world today things are happening and all we can do is watch.

i choose this because it was the most picked song of 2016 and has the most hits and i personally like this song a lot and i love these two artist and i love the vibe it gives off and the combination of the two voices and the beat gives the song and even better feel to it and it just brings everything together.

 I choose this movie because i personally love love love thrillers and i love to be scared and the way it it makes you feel when your in a dark room watching this and i love the action and the realistic situations that could take place anywhere and get what they deserve for doing the wrong thing.

I choose this because this story hit home to me and my family i have friends and family that are gay and lesbian so when i heard this story it really made me a nasty gut feeling and i really felt what those family's who lost there loved ones that night and it was really a sad moment that this world can let people be who they are.


In all my personal opinion i thought that Hillary Clinton  was the most important person in 2016 running up against someone who we never thought would win the election but she was the most important because she could of been the first women president and she is very well known with her husband and who she puts up a fight for.

I choose this because Ronda Rousey one of the worlds best UFC fighter get knocked out in 48 seconds this amazes me how one of the worlds best can just get taken down but even though Amanda won that fight Ronda walked away with 3 million dollars for losing a fight she will all ways be remembered as the worlds best.

1)I will always remember my moms wedding she got married on New Years eve and it was a magical night for us all and to start off the new year with your family and friends is a great feeling.

2)My resolutions are to mainly keep up with school and my everyday life and better myself at the things i'm struggling with.

3)Im looking forward for a fresh start and trying new things new relationships and travels.