Tuesday, April 19, 2016

free write #3

prompt 400-500 words 
Good versus evil. Do they truly exist? Are there gray areas? Do good people do bad things?
     Good versus Evil well we all know the classic super hero's and their rivals and a s a kid we thought all that junk was real if super hero's really did exist then why are they not out there saving the world like in the movies and if they did exist then why do we never hear about them saving peoples life's or fighting off the bad guys. Super hero's are just made up characters for little kids to believe that is real and that  is what is out side every part of the day saving us from evil. Super hero's and villain's are just for people who want to escape the real and dream of a better place where there Is someone there to protect them.
     Another thing about good vs. evil is one of the precepts of the Zoroastrian Faith, first enshrined by Zoroastrian over about 3000 years ago. It is also one of the most common conventional themes and is sometimes considered to be a universal part of the way we think there are many conflicts one of them being the battle individuals or ideologies one side is god and the other is evil , Another variation is the inner struggle with yourself or characters. Its a bad thing to over simplify to believe that some people are innately good while others are preferred to as evil or bad its misunderstood concepts underprins the justice system of many places bad people commit crimes and since they are super bad they should be locked away so that they cant harm us with their evil behavior This concept has also fuelled many wars and conflicts in history and also in present days I think that good and evil do exist but not in they way others mite peruse it.
     yes good things happen to good people I would know this because my grandpa was a good person he loved to serve his county and he loved every one and very thing on this earth and he died of a heart attack two years ago and it was the saddest thing ever I also think that it happen because god wanted  him to help him in the sky to fight against the evil up there but it can also be that bad people low key do good tings but in a wrong way and that good people do bad things but no one knows but most people behave dishonestly sometimes and frequently  this may have more to do with the situation and how people view their own unethical behavior than character. In a series of experiments that people have to figure this out it is less likely to behave unethically relative to those who did not. these participants also were less likely to endorse offtered short-term benefits

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