Thursday, October 29, 2015

CE 2.3

1. The new speaker is Paul Ryan he's a republican
2.'' You either show me ID, or i put you in cuffs for failure identify.
3. The two teams playing in the world series is Mets and Royals.
4. The two do's are do buy seasonal items that can serve as "foundation"pieces for your décor. the other thing is do look for unusual conversation pieces to invigorate and enliven your decor. The two don'ts are don't go over board with seasonal décor, and don't buy seasonal items in color that rant part of you current room.
5.Umlauf Sculpture Garden and Museum's Haunted Garden.

  1. Yes
  2. I Think that he was way to violent with her and dragging her out of class was unnecessary.
  3. Yes i do.
  4. Yes because a lot of white cops are always see beating or being very violent with blacks.
  5. It plays a big role it gets her story out o there and how cops treat other that are different raises.
  6. Yes it is because it shows what really happening in this world and how others are being treated as well.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

1st commentary article

Kids should not be spanked.
    I think children or any age should not be spanked, heres why hitting children teaches them to become hitters themselves. All of the most  criminals were regularly sexual abused or punished in childhood. Its normal that children learn attitude and behaviors through observation and imitation of their parents action for sick or healthy. Its is the responsibility of parents to set an example of empathy and wisdom for the child.

     In many cases of so-called "bad behavior", the child is simply responding in the only way he/she can , given his/her age and experience to neglect of basic needs.These need would be: proper sleep and nutrition treatment of hidden allergies, exercise and sufficient freedom to explore the world around them. But the greatest thing a child needs from a parent is their undivided attention. It is surely wrong and unfair to punish a child for responding in a natural way to having important needs neglected. For this reason punishment is not only ineffective in the long run ,it is also clearly unjust.

      Punishment distracts the child fro learning how to resolve conflict in an effective and humane way. A punished child becomes preoccupied with feelings of anger and fantasies of revenge and this deprived of the opportunity to learn more effective methods of solving the problem at hand. A punished child learns little about how to handle things like this in the future.

     Punishment interferes with the bond between parents and children as it is not human nature to feel love towards someone who hurts us. Every parent desires can arise only through a strong bond based on mutual feelings of love and repeat. Punishment, even when it works can produce only superficially good behavior based on fear which can only take place until the child is old enough to leave home.

     Many parents never learned in their own childhood that there are positive ways of relating to children, punishment does not accomplish the desired goal, and if the parent is unaware of the  alternative methods punishment can escalate to more frequent and dangerous actions to the child.

     Anger and frustration which cannot be safely expressed by a child become stored inside: angry teenagers do not fall from the sky. Anger that has been accumulating for many years can come as a shock to whose child now feels strong enough to express their rage that they have. Punishment appears to produce "goo behavior" in the early years, but always at a high price.

      Spanking on the buttocks, an erogenous zone in childhood, can create in the child's mind an association between pain and sexual pleasure, and lead to a difficult childhood and adulthood as well. "spanking wanted" ads in alternative newspapers attest to the sad consequences that children go through and pain.

     Even relatively moderate spanking can be physically dangerous. Blows to the lower end of the spinal column send shock waves along the length of the spine , and may injure the child. The prevalence of lower back pain among adults in our society may well have its origins in childhood punishment and sexual abuse.

        Physical Punishment gives the dangerous and unfair message that "might makes right" that it is permissible to hurt some one else because they are smaller and don't have that much strength than adults.Then the child starts to think its okay to hit others that are smaller and younger children.When they are adults he/she can feel little compassion to though less fortunate than he/she is and fear thoughts who are more powerful.

          Because children learn through parental modeling physical punishment gives the message that hitting is an appropriate way to handle the situation and express the feelings that are going on in your head.If a child does not observe a parer solving problems in a creative and human way, it can be difficult for him/her to learn to do this him/herself.

           People who take the other side would think about it a love , you have to love your child enough to be fought and do whats necessary to get the desired result. Parents first fried second.
It helps the child learn its mistake and not to do it again.

            Also they mite say that Parents do it to get respect to be feared in the sense of reverence is to be respected. Your children should be weary of going against your rules. It also teaches them to  submit to authority regardless of whether or not they agree.

            They also say that you want to teach them how to make good decisions our destinies are determined by decision-making. Children have the the option to bey or face the consequences, and they need to know consequences hurt.

             They slo want them to have self control over there child when you are aware of what is on the other side of making poor decision it is easier to exercise restraint towards the child.They want  full control over the kid.

               They want them to be accountable of what they did wrong and what they did wrong like they want them to be able to own up to it and not lie. Decision has an outcome good or bad. just as your reward your child for good you must also push hem for bad.

                Setting standers is another children need limits to lean how to grown up wit restraint. they will never be able to do whatever they want. Teach them  to live by the rules in place. They can't do whatever whenever the feel like it.

                Strength not weakness Parents seem to assume fragility rather than strength spanking your child properly is not going to make hem have a low self-esteem. Accepting mediocritizing and dismissing poor behavior teaches them to indulge in there weakness.

                They would also say it would work best kids need it period when time-out talking and talking away toys doesn't work you have to get more and more hard on them to make sure they learn what there doing wrong and why they need to stop doing that or they will get in trouble again.

       Gentle instruction, supported by a strong foundation of love and respect, is the only truly effective way to bring about commendable behavior based on strong inner values, instead of superficially "good" behavior based only on fear.

Friday, October 23, 2015

SNO online paper

students enraged by spotty parking availability 
1. Jack Stenglein
2.To not park in others parking space thats not yours.
3."He doesn't like the parking at westlake because others park in his parking and that frustrates him so he always has to park in someone else spot. ''
4.Yes when he talked about how he has to park in someone else space and how he feels thats probably how they feel.
5.No they weren't wishy washy because they stuck with the same opinion though the whole story.
7.1st person.

Students think band camp is hell on earth 
1. Cooper Kerbow
2.Her story is about how band is like a hell camp and thats it takes up most of there summer and the sweat pounds in the summer.
3."We're covered in layers of sweat and the metronome pounds through our heads."
4.Yes she kept the sam opinion about the topic through the whole story.
5.No they weren't really that wishy washy about there opinion of the story.
7.1st person

Conquering music festivals 
1.Amanda Goldsmith
2.Her story is about how they want music festivals or they want to conserver having some .
3."Were familiar with ACL but how can you see the person you want the answer is you can't but theres ways to make it easier."
4.Yes she kept the sam opinion the whole time

commentary articles,more examples of the ideas the writer gave me is write essays about something you can care strongly about to wax eloquent and passionate about it. idea the writer gave me in the opinion piece secession is give the reader and insight to both the small moments and the wider perspective.
3.Tree suggestions are take your ideas wherever you can.,think of your essays as a camera lens, write as evocatively as possible.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Opinon Writing Preview

Student sharing, too much change or great opportunity
2.Class time and bell schedule
3."while thats valid because ,again,class time is more valuable then FIT, i think the shorter the class time are worth the extra  30 minutes of study time.
7.1st person
The office welcomes the dawn of the technology age
1.Kelsie Stella
2.VOE  and parking permits now available online.
3."Now its no longer necessary to go to the office to get your VOE from or get a parking space you can do it on your phone."
7.First person

I scream, You scream...
1.Nya Martin
2.Blue bell ice cream
3."I understand that everyone makes a mistakes that could've been avoided by doing your job drastically affects other people lives, you should be help accountable and punished."
5.No they with three opinion and didn't change it at all.
7.First person

The problem with pep rallies 
1.Annika Holm
2.Why the pep rallies aren't good
3."The way pep rallies aren't doing anyone any good"
6.No, they doth like pep rallies and they stuck with their opinion.
7.First person

A call for athletic equality
1.Amaya Marquez
2.Some of the sports like lacrosse are counted as a club not a sport at bowie.
3." I definitely feel like we should get just as much attention just like the other sports."
5.No, because they close their opinion and didn't change it.
7.First person

Emotional learning effective
1.Melissa Weprin
2.S.E.L skills.
3."I believe the way the skills are being taught makes them ultimately unmemorable and unhelpful."
4. No
5.No, because they stuck with the answer.
7.First person.

  1. Hard news studies have more factual information.
  2. Opinion pieces have no quotes.
  3. Opinion pieces are normally shorter.

B.There aren't many picture because most of these stories are opinion stories and it  is kinda hard to come up with picture for opinion stories.


  1.  What celebrity wore it bette Miley Cyrus or Selena Gomez. 
  2. How to discipline  your kid. 
  3. Whats your favorite holiday.

CE 2.2

1.The two potential causes of the Hidden Pines in Bastrop are a farm accident and some one violated the burn ban.

2.Alan Guckian was up for the music educator award because according to the houston born performer said "SaulPaul who met Guckian a few years ago during his visit he was impressed with how he was so interacted with his students."

3.The favorite to win the F1 race is Lewis Hamilton.

4.The tree types are Ginger golds, Honeycrips , Jonagold , Mcintosh.

5.I would like to try  Good dark chocolate.

6.No, we just use the online version because its easier and we don't loss it.
*No because everything is done in class.
*Yes, because everything we use its become online and more electronical and we use more internet to have online texts books.
*They wanted to use them because more student use internet so its earlier access to it and we don't have to carry a big book around and we don't just leave them in our closets air in our room somewhere.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Earthquake Story

who;Hayward fire department
what;injured and dead people
where;San Francisco Bay
when;Monday morning at 8;12
why;didn't have a good place to stay safe
how; Earthquakes

huntington story

who;Janice Jones
what;Got shot
when;10 p.m wednesday
why;Gun was on a seat loaded
how;He dog knocked it off

At 10 p.m. on Wednesday in Barstow,California , 53 year old Janice Jones got shot she got shot on her leg according to California Highway Patrol Press Liaison Tammy Rye, she was eating pork chops in the back of her motor home which was parked on a Beach Boulevard near Highway 1, there was a loaded  handgun on a seat in  her vehicle and her dog was being careless and didn't see it there and hit it.
   Her dog a pomeranian named Tombo knocked over her 9 mm handgun off a seat the weapon discharged when it hit the floor, and shot a bullet through Janice leg and through the side of the vehicle.
     "It could have been worse" Rye said. "The bullet hit two inches from the gas tank"
    Jones was shot in her right leg. She was transported to the Huntington Beach Hospital and later was transported to Irvine Medical Center. She was treated at the hospital but  gave no additional information.
     Jones's dog was placed in the care of the Hunting Beach Animal Control officers. Her dog was malnourished according to Janet Ngo, one of the animal control officers ha a fresh cigarette burns on its forehead.
      "it could have den with a little less abuse and a few more of those pork chops, a" Ngo said.
    Ngo indicated that the (Her) office would explore filing abuse changes from the dog against her.
 Rye said officers cited jones for expired plates and the countys district attorneys office was considering whether to charge her to relations of the gun accident. She didn't have a permit for the hand  gun.

Lone Star Dispatch Issue #1-news evaluation

Age old battle still on going 
who;parker smith
what;rape culture
where;at bowie high school
when;september 4, 2015
why;she got dress coded
how;she posted on her twitter about the incident
Parker Smith is a senior at bowie high school and she says that she was dress coded unfairly. She had posted her incident on twitter and it only took 16 hours for her story to become a hot topic on twitter, she got a lot of support but also got some hate. Her and her parents went to the administration to talk about the dress code to see if they can change it but only change some things about it. Her and her parents requested a meeting but was denied. Just like when Parker was pulled into the office and there where a gout of people in there and her mom was on the phone
''i was total blindsided i didn't even have time to process what was happening it was totally  unnecessary''Parkers mom said.

People quoted 
*Parker Smith
*Jennifer Smith
*Brandon Smith
*Principal Stephen Kane
(direct quotes)

There is no statements/transition sentences.

This title does indicate what is going on in the story and the problem is old but its still going on. But i don't think it says what the battle  is.

Building a better education thanks to AISD bond-
what;new equipment
where;Bowie high school
why;help out the students with a better environment
how;building new training rooms and kitchen
they are building a training room for the students to help them get back on the team and in school, and they also build  new kitchen so the culinary arts students can learn more things.

*Pablo Riera
*Brittani Thibodeuax
*Richard Winmiller
(direct quotes)

There is no statements/transition sentences.

The title does indicate what is going on in the story because we did get new equipment to help out the students get better quicker and easter and more can get better at once.


SAT and ACT will change in March-
what;SAT and ACT changes
where;all over
when;March 2016
why;to help us out get a better score on the test
how;changing the reading section

The SAT and ACT are changing the reading section of the test they are making the test where we get to choose the book we want to read.

People Quoted-
*ISABELA Dobernez
*Ricky Ramiez
(direct quotes)

There is no statements/transition sentences.

The title does indicate what is going on in the story because its tell us exactly whats going on in the article and whats is about.


Fit bell schedule remains the same after proposals last year 
what;Bell schedule 
where;Bowie high school 
when;this school year 
why;help out the students
how;rearranging the schedule 


Instead of having A classes monday and wednesday,B classes tuesdays and thursdays , and then fridays switching off we are just alternating between A and B days. We are also having FIT every tuesday and wednesday. Most people like this schedule a lot better.

People Quoted-
* Nicole Moore
*Kalia Aquino
*Patricia Conroy
*Sahaj Mann
*Lili Benitez
(direct quotes)

There is no statements/transition sentences.

The title does indicate  what is going on in the story because the story did tell about the bell schedule.


what;gave bowie a bond
where;in 2013
when;Bowie high school
why;because it need to be remodeled
how;changing old things with new

In 2013 AISD gave Bowie 16.5 million dollars to make the school better. They changes the clocks, TV, air conditioner, athletics hall,and they painted. A lot of the teachers and students like the new changes.

People Quoted-
*Vicki Hebert
*Tanner Howell
*Robert Rasmus
(direct quotes)

There is no statements/transition sentences.

The title does indicate what  the story was talking about because the story did tell how AISD helped Bowie.


Friday, October 9, 2015

CE 2.1

1. The conflict with the Austin City Council member and some park and recreation bored member is that they get a free vip passes or regular passes to ACL for the whole entire weekend and free parking passes as well.

2.Tom Stiglich is trying to tell us that love our kids and not the money because at the end of the day your kid is still gonna be there to love you and the money won't.

3.  The UT professor resigned because he is fearful for his safety because he has such a big class he can't tell if a student has a health issue and because the students are now able to carry hand guys in the dorm and class room so he's scared for his safety and others.

4. Amazon is now letting artisans sell there own handmade products much as on lie marketplace Etsy does and Austin was one of the four cities to be chosen to have local artisans to be featured in the pictorial and video project introducing the new site.

5. one of the reason it rates to high is the graphics they look and it runs smoothly, the sound the voice of the character sound like really man are there, the playability, the entertainment of the game brings the whole game to life all the level of the games the challenge it is.

1.The reason for the growth of this industry is that now it delivers now and a lot of people are getting it deliver so they do have to go get  it.
2.Yes my mom,sisters,dad we all use it to order pizza or food or anything really to order things online and have them delivered to us.
3. I think the reason it been targeted on millennials is because there the ones that started it and so it leads back to them.
4. I think i will use them in the future but not regular because i really don't like hoeing things delivered i like to go get it better.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

car accident

who:Roger Clementine, John Jacob Smith and his wife
what:Got in a head on car accident
when:4:45. The police and paramedics arrived at the scene at 4:55 p.m. 
where:First Street and Slaughter Lane
why:Roger wanted revenge on John and his wife.
how:Roger was on the wrong side of the road

      It was a sunny day every thing was going great for John and his wife Melba , John's birthday had jut past he just turned 91 and Melba wanted to take him out to eat for his birthday
'' John honey what do you want to eat for your birthday this year''Melba said to John.
"I have no idea lets go that the Chinese place off of First street and Slaughter lane for my birthday"He  replied back to her.
So John and Melba were getting ready to go eat she was trying to pick out the best date dress for his birthday but John waled into the room with a red dress for her to wear to the date.
''John you didn't have to its not my birthday its your '' She said.
" I want you to look nice on the date honey" he said back.
        They were getting into there clothes Melba as putting on her make up and curling her hair at the same time and John was putting on his coal black suit and tie as there were finishing up Melba mention to John that she had a surprise for him waiting for him at the restaurant. John was so  excited to see what Melba had waiting for him.Melba was putting on her jewelry and John wishers in her ear.
"Your the best thing thats ever happen to me I LOVE YOU and i will always be ere with you dead or live"He said.
Melba and John had to had off to the restaurant soon so they both finish getting ready and they hoped into Johns 1989 Yugo Firebelcher and headed off to the restaurant.
         They pulled out the drive way and headed off Melba was looking out the window to see all the pink trees with the leaves falling off and children playing jumprope and kickball on the street her hand was on her lap John slowly moves his hand over to her causing Melba to look over at him. Melba gives hims little kiss on the and turns back to the window John keeps his eyes on the road the whole time as they get closer crossing the bridge near First street and slaughter lane John sees a car coming toward them,
'' A 1948 Studebaker" he says.
Before for Melba could reply to him it was to late they had hit head on.
         It was 4:45pm when the accident had happen and the police arrived at the scene at 4:55 pm. During those few moments John had asked Melba
''Do you remember what i said at the house " he said she replied "yes of course i do " "All ways remember that I Love you DEAD or ALIVE" he said.
Roger Clementine the other driving that hit head on he was 13 years of age was taken by the ambulance to the university medical center bracken ridge he had minor cuts to his face and was being treated and released. John and Melba were also taken to the hospital,John had injures to the head and was in serious condition as of press time this evening.Melba had a bloody nose but was treated and released.
         The Studebaker was going 60 miles per hour, traveling west in the far eastbound lane of Slaughter Lane. The Yugo was going 10 miles per hour in the far eastbound lane of Slaughter heading east.Police cited Clementine for driving without a license, for speeding and for driving in the wrong lane. 

Monday, October 5, 2015

big day

what:trying to get to the wedding
when: paris
why: because he was running late
how:Jon woke up late from the night before.

 In Cathédrale Notre-dame, Pairs France on February 14, 2020, It was a beautiful morning the leaves where pink and the sky was as blue as water it was a perfect day for the perfect wedding so they say,  Cat was this pretty little lady from a small town who's big day has finally came for her to get married to he handsome husband Jon.  Her dad was waiting for her to get ready for her wedding and he notice that Jon was running a little late
   "JON!!!" Mike yelled looking for Jon
'' Has anyone seen Jon?, wheres Jon?'' Jon is in his new Volkswagen rushing down this long two waged street, Cat is still getting ready fitting her dress and Mike is waiting for her to get down soon he checks the time to see when the weddings about to start.
   Jon is rushing to get to the church in time and sees this truck with an R.V attached to it he starts to slow down and then he ends up going around it.Cat is waiting with her dad in the other room and goes back to fix her dress and she looks out the window to see if he's here.Jon is rushing across the bridge to get to the wedding on time then he is stopped by  a train
    "UGGHH HERE UP!!!'' Jon yelled to the train Jon was getting inpatient.
   The wedding is all most about to start they all go into the chapel to have there seats, Jon is rushing going faster and faster to get there on time.He gets in this one way road filled with tress and leaves are fallen off Jon can all most see the church
   ''I mite make it i mite make it i mite make it'' he said.
He pulled up to the church getting out the car.Cat and Jon's best man where up at the alter ready to get marriage when Jon bushed through the door he ran all the way down to the alter
   ''WAIT!'' he shouted.
they both look at him but no one seems to move they go on with the wedding and Jon is there with a shocked look on his face the wedding precedes jobs to late and missed he's own wedding and he's wife married another guy the same day. The wedding was over and Cat walks over to Jon and says that was suppose to be us and walks away and Jon leaves in his car back home.

     The bride Cat was getting marriage to today to her lovely husband Jon, He was running a little late to the wedding and Jon was trying to get there in time before the wedding was about to start so Jon was speeding past cars and got hold up by a train in his Volkswagen.''GREAT!!!!!!!'' Jon said. Cat was getting ready for the wedding it was starting When Jon got there Cat was on the alter with his best man Peter ready to get marriage to her so Jon was to late!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Thursday, October 1, 2015

CE 1.5

1. I think The Pope meeting with Kentucky's Kim Davis is in the news paper she is very known for the whole same sex marriage thing so when you add her and the pope its gonna be a big thing and the pope is always in the news. 

2. 29% of Texas support same sex marriage and 46% of Texas support legalization of marijuana.

3. The three other keys are - One in 10 respondents said immigration was the most important issue facing the country. However, 24 percent of Texans believe that immigration is the No. 1 issue facing the state today. 
   9 percent of Texans said that education is the most important issue facing Texas. 
   Nearly half of Texas adults viewed the Affordable Care Act as either unfavorable or very unfavorable.Just 14 percent saw it as very favorable and 23 percent called the law somewhat favorable. 
  4.The things that make it unique is that he takes about things that are really not what people want to hear about like the gays and marijuana legalization and how much Texans support it.

5.The reason why Jordan Spieth year was so amazing is because he is the  tour champion and 10$ million dollar bonus icing on the cake major. he also got the FedEx Cup.

6.wearables is a term that has been used over the years in  technology  they are  technology you wear on your body. Were seeing these more and more because they are more improved with the latest technology and we wear them every day like watches from apple and samsung phone companies are selling them. I would want a apple watch just because i like apple a lot. Yes i do think we will see these more and more in the future because its the latest things and they only get better.I think these things will go pretty far to the future and i would consider it because i think there always coming up with new things.